Rest, Relaxation, and Fundraising – May, 2022

“Give, and it shall be given to you. A good measure; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom” Luke 6:38(KJV)

Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Happy Mothers' Day to all Mothers!

We are grateful to the Lord for what He has been doing for us since we arrived here in the United States! We have been calling and seeking assistance with medical equipment and supplies for The Way Of Grace Ministry's recently constructed health facility in Liberia. We bless the Lord for His grace and mercy that have enabled us to share the great news with you:

  • The Ministry has an active website: It is LTWOGM.ORG in lower case. Please visit the website and know what the Ministry has done, is doing, and hopes to do in this mission field.
  • Praise the Lord that one nonprofit organization has consented to help the Ministry with some medical equipment and supplies! We are still looking around to other organizations that could be of further blessing to the Lord's work.
  • We just returned to the Washington, DC area from Fort Worth, Texas, where we were well received by the Director and members of the Active Adults Connection Class and the Church. We had an opportunity to teach and share about the work. They had many surprises for us. The Class blessed us, as they have been actively supporting the work of TWOGM. We bless them in the name of Jesus Christ!

Special Appeal: Fellow workers in the Lord’s vineyard, there is a need to have at least one hundred persons, or families, join in supporting the Ministry with a recurrent donation of at least $25.00 monthly. It is our hope that the Health Facility is opened before the end of the year, and with your support, the Ministry will accomplish its goal. Thank you for honoring our requests! Please mail your support checks to the address in TN or, for your convenience, as directed on the website. Remember, donations to The Way Of Grace Ministry, TWOGM, Inc. are recognized by the IRS as a 501©3 organization. All donations are tax deductible.

Please continue to pray with us as we strive to spread the love of Jesus Christ. Thanks for your partnership! Please visit the gallery to view recent pictures. 7,000 Blessings!

In His service,

Choloh and Marie Simmons

The Founders, TWOGM, Inc.

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