Greetings, family, friends and supporters!
Again, we extend our sympathy to all of you who may have been affected by the global pandemic (COVID-19) and pray for the Lord’s protection upon us all from further losses in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. We thank our Lord and Savior for being with us all through many days of struggles and difficulties.
Praise the Lord. We are back in the States for little R&R, medical/physical checkups, and, as the Apostle Paul said to the Christians in Rome so we say to you now, it is our hearts' desire to see you all, if at all possible!
We are grateful to the Lord and thankful to many of you who have been supporters of the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, which He has allowed us to be stewards.
It is with great joy that we inform you that the General Building of the Health facility is structurally completed. Praise the name of Jesus! Please visit the Gallery to view some recent pictures of the newly constructed Clinic building. This is the first of at least two buildings to be constructed. The task is tremendous, but our God is BIGGER than any task we put before Him. Thank You, Jesus!
Several of you have been faithfully supporting the Ministry, and to you, we say "Thank You!" While we are here, we pray that those of you who are not yet partners will partner with us in supporting The Way Of Grace Ministry, Inc. (TWOGM) on a recurrent basis. We highly appreciate those one-time donations, but planning a budget is based on monthly giving.
We may not be able to reach all of you in person, but we will try to communicate with you. We do receive your messages at [email protected]. Please help us by acknowledging any communication received from us. Thanks!
As we mentioned earlier, one cannot overstate the need for a good Christ-loving and people-caring health facility in the Community. There are many school-age children who have not had any healthcare services in their entire lifetime; hence, they have no medical records. This is not only sad but also scary.
Just before leaving Liberia, we had to assist a resident of the community who was giving birth at home and having complications. Neighbors tried to get mother to a clinic, but got no help. So, they ran to us asking for help. Thank God we were able to rush them to a nearby clinic, where mother and child were send home a couple of days later, being in good health. Another sad thing is that many such persons have died because they could not reach a clinic in time. With the opening of the Ministry's health facility, through the grace of the Lord, there will be more success stories. Praise the Lord!
Our "Children's Bible Hour" in nearby Foday Town is ongoing. We have started another Evangelism work in another location. It's the "Snuffu Dock Bible Fellowship" (SDBF). Here we meet with children and adults on Thursdays. Our goal is to raise up, through training, workers from within the group to conduct, even when we are there. Please join us in prayer for the success of these projects.
Please visit our photo Gallery and view the work in pictures. Thank you!
In His service,
Choloh and Marie Simmons
Founders, The Way of Grace Ministry, Inc.
Would you like to help? Get in touch with us.